One-on-one high school courses in ontario
With Hybrid Schooling, you stay at your regular school and take an individual course with us.
Elite athletes, parents who are homeschooling their children, and students with executive function deficits or other learning challenges all benefit from our 1-on-1, Ministry approved credit courses.
Learn at your own pace
Your teacher will only move on to the next concept once you have mastered the previous one. Take tests and exams only when you are ready and prepared.
host classes anywhere
Niteo teachers will meet you anywhere - at home, the library, or even online!
earn ministry approved credits
All courses taken with Niteo are approved my the Ministry and count towards your OSSD.
schedule classes on your own time
Our one-on-one courses are a great option for elite athletes or students with unconventional schedules.
great for homeschoolers
Niteo is a great option for students who are homeschooled in Ontario. Our program covers all subjects in the Elementary and Secondary grades.
Check out what students and parents have to say about our one-on-one courses!