This form will be used by Niteo and pod parents to help choose the teacher who best fits their pod. Once you complete the form, parents in your area will be able to access your profile and book an interview. 

Your last name and contact details will be removed from the viewable teacher profile page.

Please include a link to a short YouTube video that introduces yourself to prospective pods. This is optional. We’ve included it to help expedite the matching process so parents can get sense of who you are before they book an interview.

  • Videos can run from 90 seconds to a few minutes.

  • Please remember to introduce yourself -- where you're from, how long you've been teaching, what grades - as well as what you love most about teaching.

  • Remember to save the video so that it can be viewed by anyone with the link.

  • Please turn comments off for this video.

Before uploading your CV, please remember to remove your last name and contact details.

Niteo Pod Schooling teachers set their own rate. Most teachers expect $240-$300/day.

We hope that this form will streamline the matching process and help you find a pod as soon as possible.